Original Workshop Example #1
Using PowerPoint
(Clicker had stopped fuctioning.)
To say Hello to Mark, just say... HelloMark.com ™Business
Services for Small BusinessesGot a small business? Mark can help you! Combining his dynamic personality with his background of pursuing excellence, Mark brings a unique one-of-a-kind quality to all that he does.
Graduating with Highest Distinction, Mark earned two undergraduate degrees, in three years, with straight-As, in Business Administration and in Accounting.
From there, he started off as a Controller for a company in Portland, Maine. When his successful trend analysis accurately forecast the need for additional outside capital, a subsequent investor bought his job as condition for the investment. At that point, Mark became self-employed, offering his enigmatic and enthusiastic services of accounting, marketing, and more for small businesses. Mark also developed a number of personal micro-businesses too. Truly, self-employment has been Mark's life ever since.
When the internet became "the next big thing" in the mid-1990s, Mark immersed himself in web-design and using web-sites for personal business. In 2000, he developed a new brand, HelloMark, as an easy way for clients to quickly find his business services online - a brand name that instantly demonstrates his "marketing-savvy" skills. Hence, the tagline: "To say Hello to Mark, just say... HelloMark.com."
In 2001, the business was expanded to include webservices. Using the newly developed brand, HelloMark.NET was established to help small businesses be able to use the internet for their marketing. From the very start, clients were offered a full-service menu of the full range of online needs, from domain management to web-design to webhosting to so much more. Clients do not just "get a web-site," they get Mark himself. See: Webhost section here.
In 2010, Mark immersed himself in developing public speaking skills as another service to make available. In less than three years, he presented well over 100 speeches and achieved a plethora of awards. Whether for motivation, coaching, or for full-on presentations, Mark added this new skillset to the offerings for small businesses who need it. See: Speaker section here.
With marketing and general business background, whether you need webhosting or online business, or you need public speaking services or coaching, Mark offers a unique, enthusiastic, and enigmatic style to all of his services for small business.
If your business needs Mark, see: Contact section here.

Website hosting, development, design, & moreMark is an actual coder who has been building web-sites since 1997. In 2001, he brought that experience to bring full webhosting and web-development services to small businesses with HelloMark.NET.
A dozen years later, when more than 50% of all web surfers now see websites with their smartphones, Mark began developing "mobile-ready" web-sites and brought this webhosting business back under the original name and website here, HelloMark.COM. (The ".NET" website has been kept in its original form to let you see the history of this webhosting business, both before and after the change to "mobile ready" website development.)
With over 20 years of experience, HelloMark.COM offers what no one else can: himself! Mark brings his decades of business and marketing experience to help your business.Mark is not just a web developer, he is a fellow business owner who understands business and how to use your website for YOUR business!.
With a web-site at HelloMark.COM, you do NOT get "just a web-site." Rather, you also get Mark! And you will find that that makes all the difference.
Mark offers web-services at all levels and stages of the web development process.
Mark also provides video services too - from setting up your youtube channel to recording, video-editing, producing, and uploading videos for your site.
In addition to the technical services, Mark also brings his marketing and salesmanship skills for additional content-editing services, too.
Mark focuses on building the business relationship with you as the owner of your business, because his objective is to help your long-term success. He is not a low-budget, here-today/gone-tomorrow, easy-template re-seller. (You are too busy running your own business for that nonsense.)
Rather, when you need Mark for most anything about your web-site, he "has your back." Mark is your web-site ally and advisor.
When you - as a business owner - have a conversation with Mark, you will see this firsthand in action. He shows small businesses how to use a web-site for effective marketing.
Combining all technical aspects of web services with marketing, salemanship, video-work, content-editing, and more, Mark brings
his one-of-a-kind personality to your webhosting and web-development needs.
Highly Skilled Public SpeakerMark brings an excellence to anything to which he puts his mind.
In the Summer of 2010, Mark began professional development in public speaking. He began participating in Toastmasters. Not only did he develop his skills, but he brought his unique business skills to even bring successful reforms to the organization and many of its clubs.
In just under three years later, on July 1, 2013, Mark fully completed and earned the Distinguished Toastmaster achievement (the "DTM"). Not only do less than 1% (one percent) of all people at Toastmasters ever achieve this level of accomplishment, but of those rare ones who do achieve it, they typically take 8-1/2 to 10-1/2 years to achieve it.
Mark also achieved many, many accomplishments, including the 2012 District 45 Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year (for all of Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine in USA, and all of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia in Canada).
Mark has performed 100s of speeches, spoken in numerous venues, and video-recorded many of his speeches as tools for others to study or use.
In 2012, Mark began his professional public speaking web-site, using a youtube channel for videos of some of his non-commercial presentations.
In 2016, Mark began offering his inspirational keynote/workshop,
If you are planning an event and need a motivational speaker, or if you need a public speaking coach for you or your employees, or if you just want to enjoy watching Mark "in action" as a public speaker, you will want to surf now to Mark's public speaking website.
Original Workshop Example #2
Using WhiteBoard
(A handout was provided for writing.)
Original Workshop Example #3
Using MemoryTools
(No visual aids used whatsoever.)
Say Hello to Mark nowClients get the telephone number.
All others may use this form.